That Kaiju Dragon (さんのプロフィール画像

That Kaiju Dragon (@[email protected])さんのイラストまとめ

~50|Autistic|Kaiju Dragon|Gay|Pogonophile|Foodie|He/Him/His|UNIX Geek|Furry|21+ Only. Into Anime, Lifting Weights, Gators, Getting Big, Cuddles

フォロー数:670 フォロワー数:588

49 here. I got into furry late 2014 and attended my first con at Further Confusion in San Jose, CA 2015. I've got two fursonas: Wulflock (the dragon) and my gym alter-ego, Kilo the bull. Here's my latest incarnation!

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Down the hatch! Remember, and . You agreed to this. AWESOME piece of art by ! Thank you so very much!

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Kilo getting a chance to hang with his big pal, Wulflock!

Awesome piece of artwork by

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Apparently Percona has a Furry on their superhero team.

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