

ID / EN (Grammar error warning ;-;)
| Currently obsessed with Lyney
| Draws fanart |
Sometimes can be workaholic, sometimes can be turu only

フォロー数:32 フォロワー数:1990

2022 Gamma with his Elephantsu
2023 Shinri with his Co-opantsu

376 1858

The whole squad is now here!! >:D

(Sleeping beauty hehe 👉👈)

3 28

The boys trying facial mask (2/2)

It took longer than I expected.. (Been little busy with IRL stuff)
Now, it's time to finish another WIP _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

94 226

They really share the same brain cell fr fr.

And the fact that both of their name ended with 'Ma', makes them sound like a twins lmaooo

160 440

It's actually inspired by what Gamma said about him watching a clip where Kobo and Altare trolling each other (and he didn't catch a single word)
Someone already clipped it on yt (Gamma drawing Tempus, that's the title if I'm not mistaken)

227 713

Team E(dan) Team D...
What an interesting coincidence, huh?🤨

327 1744