

フォロー数:2068 フォロワー数:4456


49 343

tiny zuko you own my heart

215 1443

today i offer you sleeping zuko 🤲

265 1434

zuko’s face when korra tells him about uncle iroh <\3

275 2374

ok but kya being canonically a lesbian makes me so fkn happy 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

143 724

good morning have u thought about katara’s painted lady yet today?

40 212

we were robbed of more moments showing aang’s friendship with mai and ty lee 💔

50 292

zuko and mai’s genes are so powerful omg no one is doing it like them

266 2272

aang talking about cultural appropriation in atla’s comics <\3

17496 56874

soulmates parallels yup

39 250