DOWO is the birth of Wÿn, the complete fusion of the human and the demon. He displays a melancholy
look in front of a black ball of fire that emits a whole universe. The newborn seizes its new environment
by creating life.
“New Step” is the last time we’ll see the human being, it’s a goodbye.
And "EXCHANGE" is for a headstone, it is here depicted in this self-portrait, heart in hand, in a hybrid appearance.
«Access Memory» where we see him in his prison, where he can have fun with his appearance and
various styles. His position, unarmed, shows that he gives his memory to Jackz.
Even if he lives eternally imprisoned in a dimension, he wants to reach the state of dreaming.
He then offers Jackz to give him of his will the integrity of his human body and soul. In exchange of doing that, he will be placed in a better prison. The dimension of dreams.
While Jackz sows terror, the human being is trapped in a dimension between Ego and Remorse. He is
like a prisoner, full of regrets, he is here at home. Surrounded by his nightmares that were there, waiting
for him wisely. A redemption is perceived, or an abandonment.
And it’s there that, by taking over, a dimension deepens and the human sees a shining dimension with a seductive energy ball. He goes to grasp it as to grasp all the answers but it was a trap set by the spirit.
He decides to undertake a journey between several dimensions, his soul and body will twist in innumerable forms, he will even lose his humanity and his physical body becoming a variable and wandering energy.
Believe me, a notion such that time no longer exists..