Today I screwed around with bloom effects and stuff. I varied the line width and added a texture. I think the lighting’s still a bit jank but I’ll flesh it out in future projects.
Hello Twitter! I did this today. To be honest, I don’t like it. The mouth looks bad and the pose looked waaay better in sketch. But I suppose it’s all a part of the learning process. I dislike the hair, the eyes, and I really could’ve fleshed everything out better. But I’m lazy.
Hello Twitter! I made this a few days ago with the Notes app built into the iPhone. I think this one may be the most scuffed one yet but I attribute that to how I’m getting burnt out of this app. It was fun initially to try using the janky program but now it’s just boring.
Hello Twitter! A few days ago, I started doodling on my iPhone and I made this. It’s a bit crude but I was very happy afterwards! I made this in the Notes app built into the phone, with the Highlighter tool! It was a lot of fun!