

Alice/Wyvern - She/Her - Artist 🖌️ I talk rubbish and politics from time to time

フォロー数:87 フォロワー数:177

Furry art? I guess so! 🐶

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Family of criminals - Master thief father, Shiny? Shiny!, Tooootally a healer and Training to be a vault robber

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Angalithar - Finally finished
(What do people tag art as on here??)

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I played around with sexual dimorphism in my humanoid alien race, their bodies are almost identical but females are generally taller and beefier

(The longer hair on the females is because they're warriors who believe bigger hair = looking more intimidating!)

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Old thing's gone, got a new song, got a new name!

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My latest piece. No idea how it's going to end up, but I know for certain that lineless has the ability to utterly destroy my artistic confidence 👌

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Day 3 - Poison. Because what else was I gunna do?

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