

$ETH $ADA $BTC $WAS @TheCyberHornets check out the DYOR have fun! NFA, all rts and tweets are opinions of my own. WAGMI

フォロー数:1836 フォロワー数:1416

Happy to all my fellow Lets make the rest of this week amazing!!

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Poker at 9 EST with for a chance to get on this weeks prize wheel! 🍻 join up with us and chill it’s always a good time

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59 Hornets to .1 eth
175 Hornets to .25
284/8888 total listed for sale
Ape floor .14
Zombie floor .3
Alien floor .38
All rarities earn the same $Venom base rate
Contract deployment in April for LFG

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1,300 ANIMUS minted!! Get yours to try and steal $VENOM from the Queen’s nectar farms!! Be wary of her guard, their defenses will be on high alert!

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Floor was up to .088 and someone undercut it…. It’s okay though Bc we are 19 away from a .1 ETH floor!!!!! LFG they can’t keep us down!!! Animus coming soon for our p2e development!! Protect your hives!! I am PUMPED!!

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Staking strategy game where you can p2e $VENOM, MetaVerse builds, Comic book series, less than 9% of the total supply listed for sale... 💎🙌
been in mode


31 52

Lfg is the one to sweep. Custom 1 of 1 if you sweep 25 and they are sick af 🔥

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✅96 hornets away from .08 ETH floor 🔥
✅886/8888 for sale 9% of the supply 💎 🙌
✅Solid wallets from some of the best projects in the space
✅Marvel/DC artist and writer with and original comic series
To debut very soon!
Come vibe in the hive 🐝

15 34

100% check out the unique art, amazing community, and with a supply shock of less than 9% for sale things will take off quickly. We could use a good Queen 👑

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for sure. 1st edition comic coming this month with the land to continue the series. Metaverse build, sick art, and a tight knit community. Join the hive bro 😎

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