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In today's episode of "Twitch Stuff In The Office" I was talking to someone about a ticket # for IT, and I was like yeah if you could "Discord DM ahhh I mean Twitch DM AHHHH i mean twitte..... rEEEEEEEEEE Teams DM me that would be great" WHY AM I LIKE THIS

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We have a double special episode of Yoons Declassified with ! Kelly is a 3Head Bruv straight from the UK! But don't let that fool you. She can still our squat and out bench any of you potatoes! If you want to learn the ways of a fitness grill come stop by! 12:30pm PST

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Happy Valentines day Jess

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that poor boi's ankles are in the shadow realm

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Have you ever wanted to comfort your favorite streamer when they are feeling down? Or just show them a little love? Well look no further because I got the cutiest hug emote made by the one and only ! Please please please commission her! *Twitch Approval Pending*

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but but..bu...but it matches the shoes and the keycaps

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