

♂️ | 日本語でOK | Admin of @Yugipedia and Yu-Gi-Oh! Custom Wiki, as well as Number of @YGOrganization. Mostly here for the YGO fanart but might post some of my own.

フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:61

imagine the X-BtF/X3TC opening cinematic remade again, this time with retextured X2 Argons ships slugging it down with the deca series of Terraformer ships we see at Aldrin (cause the X3TC version is completely anachronistic, whats up with them having an ATF Aegir??? 🤣)

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A little "what if" thing I quickly cooked up for the last day of the "Let's Make Yusaku Smile" event on Tumblr

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Families of the Counterparts!

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