

Elder Pop-Punk Emo

Check out my band - Lara's Laughter

Totally into @daydreamdealer

I stream on Twitch sometimes too!

(He/Him/Emo King)

フォロー数:496 フォロワー数:1286

First video game: Star Wars Dark Forces

Best Video Game: Final Fantasy VII

Last Video Game: Ratchet and Clank (2016)

Most Time Spent Playing Video Game: Fallout 4

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Looking for a brand new game to play, so tomorrow night we'll be looking at both Nights of Azure, and Croixleur Sigma. And I'm gonna be getting so drunk because I know my waifu radar is gonna go through the roof

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Look at how class this is. did up a really nice Titan emote for my streams. Reference photo for clarity. She did an amazing job!

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Looking forward to playing The Raven tonight. Looks like a puzzle point and click type of thing, right up my alley! Kicking off from 7:30pm tonight.

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When I see Super Eyepatch Wolf talk about anime and wrestling, I thought he was a sweaty weeb, and then THIS is what he looks like in real life.

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So my game plan for 2021.
- work from home
- stream 3/4 days a week
- never leave the house
- don't fall into a void
- get an injection of pure dopamine 3 times per day until we can go and see our pals again

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Got the green screen up and running

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