


フォロー数:147 フォロワー数:168

everyone draws the pokego leaders with colour-matching eevelutions but we know which one is the most mainstream

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7th month...

(anyone wanna eatch ghostbusters? :p )

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doodle in SAI

i rarely draw macines/vehicles so idk anything

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im very slow

(2 weeks on/off)

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i want new thighs boiiiii

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still cant believe the 1st thing i drew on new tablet was takutits >--|o why is it still in my folder

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i need to go find refs for clothing folds on jacket/coat/etc type apparel, my refs library is like 99% sleeves

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tagged by
i have short term memory cant think of any shit before 2016

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art trade with yubin is very cute!!
(fullsize on tumblr)

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