

I'm Kaysee(ちか)! 🌱
Do not repost, please! ( probably will not be posting any art here anymore! 🦋… )

フォロー数:828 フォロワー数:4111

イリヤさん、お誕生日おめでとうございま~す!#幽ロマ I didnt forget!!! I just...have a busy schedule LAUGHS

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たゆ先生、お誕生日おめでとうございます…!いつもたゆ先生の素敵なイラストに癒されています(*´˘`*)♡ これからお身体に気をつけて頑張ってください!応援します!

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Its my OC's birthday today!! ^q^ I think ive only ever uploaded one other doodle of him...but i love him a lot!

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I was meant to sleep but just did a quick doodle cause i wanted to draw a girl ww

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little zen chib for an ask on tumblr lololol~

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AYAKASHI DANGO UCHOUTEN-/SHOT Just joking- two more OCs to add~

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Nyon as a human \o/

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Ayakashi themed OCs with and ! Im a butt and made two OCs wwww

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Blast's songs are still my favourite but I love Osiris as a band//// (I like their songs too!)

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