

21+ | ngomongin genshin, idol, dan real life- unfiltered. seneng liat xingtao pacaran.

フォロー数:198 フォロワー数:117

so slow i only managed to finish this within 45 mins khasdhaskj

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masih wip (secretly crying that i chose this style for the photo card

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what kind of geo char needs oceanid mats and hydro artifacts ashdfhsdhds https://t.co/N74fJvwYTH

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2021 vs 2023

tlg tuan muda aku jd alay

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2021 vs 2023 (wip)

i feel like my 2021 xq is more handsome;; the 2023 one is still wip but;;;

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worked on this a bit more yday i want to try finishing it 🤔 i also want to try streaming it, mb sometime later tonight (~8pm gmt+7)

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