Vurga the Spacebunさんのプロフィール画像

Vurga the Spacebunさんのイラストまとめ

So many alts. So much noms. 18+ only please.

Ask me things!…

フォロー数:270 フォロワー数:3994

Oh dear. It looks like Keepsies found some campers. Guess they just couldn't resist the big, affectionate raccoon. Well, it looks like they all disappeared with a smile...and disappeared into a smile!

29 172

"This thanksgiving...the bird eats YOU."

39 220

This Halloween, remember...

To some creatures, YOU are the treat.

14 106

Feline gullets have a regality and power to them. When they yawn wide, you're staring into the gluttony and comfort of an apex predator. Do you really have a right to refuse that hunger? It's the embodiment of casual greed and it wants your everything. Is 'no' even an answer?

29 164

"Some people ask me, 'how can you eat your friends'? Easy. Just shove 'em in and let gravity do its thing.

If they're good friends, what's wrong with making them extra close forever? Besides, better it be me than some careless predator who doesn't know how special they are."

51 334

"I may be a man-eating stoat, but there's one thing I'll never do. Separate friends. Nope. Skinny as I am, there's room for EVERYONE. :9

45 253

I didn't realize I accidentally made this a reply. Here it is again. <3

has an absolutely precious mouse that Vox has always wanted. ...Well...HAD a mouse, anyway. Now he belongs to Vox. For keeps, too! <3

Drawn by !

24 121

"Hey little guy, I have some bad news. It's about dinner. And you being it."

100 719

Dogs eating cats is just <3. Scared, shy mewling things vanishing past a confident, happy smile. And a tail like that is just meant to be slurped up.

16 92

So I have vorish dreams pretty often, but last night I had a nice, vivid one. It was of Sivvy, my big, bad rat. He caught a blushy fox who was trying (and failing) to talk his way out of being eaten. Sivvy (after pinning him with his belly) told the little guy he had an 'idea'.

22 142