

he/him, Green dom hypno snek bf 🐍

There's no comfier place than my coils, and you're going in them~💚

Will block people under 18.

(created by @G_lahndi)

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:582

I caught myssself a cute fox today ♥️

(art by , commissioned by: https://t.co/HgMEP92p4Z)

15 90

Caught myself a cute dragon 😊

giving him a mouth-full of coil 😉

(Dragon boi: https://t.co/fgiaIQB78I)

5 44

Caught myssself a cute kitty. Her earssss are sssso fluffy~💚

The cute kitten issss

28 95

Looksss like I win again!

I love playing gamesss with my sssweet Veronica. Win or lose, I alwaysss get my coilsss on her one way or another 💚

(Art by )

17 76

My, my, sssuch a cute little thing.

I think I will keep you around for a while...

4 31

I know you hired me to dissspose of that sssweet little bunny, but I'm afraid there'sss been a change of plansss, misss Bellwether.

Oh, it'sss nothing persssonal, I jussst find you way too irresissstible!

sssay hi to officer hoppsss on the way down my gut for me, will ya?

5 33

Sssayyyy, how about you give me one of thossse "private dancesss" I've heard all about? hss hss hss ~💚

Asss for the encore, you'll be sssinging from the depthsssss of my gut!

10 46

My oh my! What'sss a cute kitty like you doing all alone out here, hmm?

ssshhh, it'sss okay, ssstay with me now. Let'sss get you somewhere sssafe and sssecluded...

(Character owned by )

4 29

Ssseems like I have acssssidentally caught a very cute cosssplayer pretending to be my favourite ssspace bounty hunter!

meh, I'll ssstill eat them!💚

7 35