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drew some fan apprentices for #TheArcanaGame !
anatole & callie ; w; 💛💛
oh no he's hot 😳💙✨
i owe @thearcanagame my life for this update oh my god
#TheArcanaGame #countlucio #fanart
prince arcturus and princess thalassa u wu
arcturus looks like his dad but those eyes are all mom
thalassa actually looks more like their mother, just...if she'd grown up without the Magic Incident™
a spring wedding? oh, that sounds so lovely...
jumping on that #TheArcanaGame #fanapprentice trend and giving esther a pretty dress that she made herself u wu 💙✨
now...who's she waiting for? c;
@thearcanagame i am hers i am his
and she is mine and he is mine
from this day from this day
until the end of my days until the end of my days
do you know the vows?
@thearcanagame this is a long engagement but i'm still enjoying the wait ; w; 💙💛✨
#countlucio #thearcanagame