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i love you congratulations on your gender

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happy happy birthday to the sweetest and bestest boyfriend in the world!!!!! the one and only caligosto loboto, medic, and allister!!!! I LOVE YOU BEEBEE I HOPE UR DAY IS AS EPIC AS UUUU

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my car costs 2k to fix or i can buy 250 dollars worth of parts and learn myself which i very much want to do bc im not paying 2k for repairs on a 3.5k car. but i dont have 250 dollars. so mebbe buy me a kofi for doodles? rts = 💜

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may i please receive promo? I am looking for new friends! My name is Lucifer and i really. really like infodumping about pokemon rn. i also very enjoy interacting with people and their own interests. Here are some images of me (art of ashton by )

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