

20+ occasional nsfw 🔞 lumine x all and other ships. art, fics, cosplay. lumine's spouse, stelle's trashcan. pfp by @decepsyeon 💖

フォロー数:666 フォロワー数:35688

there's something called improvement. and the only thing i sucked at is diluc's co https://t.co/Zc1OBgggQ3

2 147

lil review: ibis paint pc version!

ang gulo mga mamsh—it’s good with the same tools like the mobile app but holy shit the zoom in/out and canvas tilting is ass. No scroll bar that’s supposed to be there especially if you’re drawing on a display tablet. These took me hours 😭

13 190

I forgot to post the colored version last month and I’m too lazy to finish so just slapped on some filters.

Lumine’s my wife, if you haven’t heard of it yet 🙄🙄 https://t.co/oOPwLI5IO9

74 503

throws this at you and runs back to my desk job
if you know the kdrama audio you’re swagalicious 🤙

173 948

🐳: 「いっぱい食べてね、お嬢ちゃん!ほら、あんして〜」
💫: 「うう…うるせ—」

💫🐳 https://t.co/OFRwqoH61u

193 695

crying screaming it’s venti/venlumi dayyyy

0 12

it’s canon now

992 6608

whatchu got there?

577 3558

Jail time in the blocked accounts fr

0 3