

TskYm ||🌙🏔️|| busy with uni
✨Artist with an inconsistent artstyle✨

フォロー数:260 フォロワー数:914

Before TsukkiYama I have Creek as my obsession HUHU

Finally got to redraw them after 4 years sksksks 😭 also drawing besides than TsukkiYama is an achievement 🤧

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Wallpaper 💚💛 also feel free to use it if you guys want to hoho

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Happy Valentines you gaes 💕✨

Redraw my last 2021 valentines drawing coz I'm too lazy to think of a new drawing HAHAHA

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Meet their babii 💛✨
✨Too S P A R K L Y ✨
I really don't have a name for the baby but kskskk 🥹🤲💕 and I always wanted to draw them a baby but I'm not really good at drawing babies AAAAAAAA

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Last drawing for 2022 and also HAPPY NEW YEAR gaes ehe 💛✨
ft. Studio Ghibli inspo (Howl's Moving Castle)

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