

Webcomic+ Game Creator
Founder of Princely Girl Games🖤
🎨Sister Claire/Black Rose Revue
I ♥skateboarding and wlw stories

フォロー数:802 フォロワー数:9287

Here's all the deertaur maid pics I've drawn so far! <3

490 1100

Feeling sad today. Drew my deertaur girls to cheer me up. They're not in maid outfits this time??

42 137

The ultimate niche comic you never knew you wanted to read until right now: gay deertaur maids

624 1464

Queer comic artist workin with my wife to bring you the finest gay nun/witch/scifi/monster webcomics💖

15 102

Also planning several other comics (sci-fi, fantasy) that are all some brand of wlw/queer:

10 65