YammY 🔔(comms open 0/5)🔔さんのプロフィール画像

YammY 🔔(comms open 0/5)🔔さんのイラストまとめ

I do pixel art inspired on pop culture, you will find characters and sometimes stages
no AI

my discord: yammy#5627

フォロー数:703 フォロワー数:833

Im out of ideas, so if you want me to draw some character please comment below, also take an apple to stay healthy

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this is an stage inspired on the multiplayer stage from bomberman 64 multiplayer hope u like it

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who had the idea to made a robor master a sheep is a maniac or a genius

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a design inspired on the comics and movies,
also if u like this check out the rest of my art please

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