

it’s 2023 & you’re still obsessed with hating on naruto’s most successful movie? #Freenaruto_from_team7_enjoyers

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NaruHina & their third wheels after The Last

54 273

Don’t let boruto’s bad animation distract you from the fact that hokage naruto is a hot dilf

77 427

Naruto’s kimonos looks so beautiful, I especially love the way he wears his haori 🤍😌 https://t.co/JWjBhLOmXG

4 44

Hinata really became the strongest in her team, she got so far.

44 268

NaruHina were the first couple to become canon, get together, go out on dates, & the only couple we got to see their wedding

49 249

They all became third wheels by the end of the movie it’s not even a joke or a headcanon

27 154

Hinata was the first ever to support naruto, she was the real one fr

73 590

New team7 got better dynamic & teamwork they know what to do

26 210

Gonna got shit for this but

23 348

Naruto won in life when he married hinata

171 2024