

SFW-only artist that loves to draw cartoony OCs and collect goggles. Fan of Neopets, Splatoon, Digimon, Mega Man, and Tales. Pokemon on haitus.
Appmon is life!

フォロー数:147 フォロワー数:6264

Silly AC doodle I wanted to post. Gyroids are a bit creepy and a certain someone loves them in their home.

22 205

A little something for the awesome featuring Patch with a sammich! He got caught munching.

51 214

Request to draw a Darigan Ogrin from Neopets. Did my own minor spin on them. Ogrins are wonderful.
(Not open for request right now)

48 207

Warm up sketch for tonight was 's amazing OC, Roscoe Mondéz!
Always wanted to draw him and you have been a wonderful person that I wanted to draw you something for a long time! :D Hope you like.

41 211

Was thinking about Animal Crossing for past couple days and drew some OCs as them. These were quickies in lineart.

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A mini/quickie concept to just get a small idea outta my head. Been doing a couple of them for fun.
This one is how Kaz gets Klint for a pet due to a small confusion.
For fun, I colored this to the Oso-san style cause I use to do fake screenshots a couple years ago.

27 135

So those that stayed for the final hour of the friday stream heard about the Hunger Games sim match where my OCs were against Psy's OCs with Psy's Fenrir winning it.
We had a rematch last night and, of all people, Cyan won and I just wanted to draw this as a joke from it.

26 155

Concept stuff with octoling Zane I did for fun/some reason.
This is his more work appropriate outfit since he's gotta wear the apron while working.
The top right one was just a quickie to try a thing. Was gonna draw his other form for it, but I miss the octo.

20 101

Stream warm up tonight was the Neopets' Snow Beast cause it's one of my fav creatures.

42 217

Mood and art was a bit low from since friday, but decided to do another experimental drawing to another splatoon pic I saw to up the mood and I like the result.
Hopefully twitter compression doesn't nuke this. :P

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