

SFW-only artist that loves to draw cartoony OCs and collect goggles. Fan of Neopets, Splatoon, Digimon, Mega Man, and Tales. Pokemon on haitus.
Appmon is life!

フォロー数:147 フォロワー数:6264

Sketches I drew in stream tonight...DIGIMON!
Not perfect, but I still like how they look.

131 348

Two other of my other OCs: Kolt and Nix. Just studies to get back use to drawing both.

17 120

Oh yeah I have no clue when I sketched this one out, but I finished it up. XD
(Only in this joke setting does Tero show emotions, I swear)

4 36

Over 2016 I drew some Ososan sketch screenshots with OCs. Was fun redrawing the backgrounds with shape tool.
Lizard and bear are

84 337

Cause has fun OCs and I like drawing them much. :D

18 103

I just draw stupid things I see on the internet. :B
(Yes I did parodies to that comic for fun)

31 144

Late, but have a fire monkey. Infernape is one of my all time favorite pokemon. Easily top 3.

52 173

Fighting Type is like my most fav type with ground second,so picking here was hard. Went with a pure fighting type, my Mienshao, Jesse.

16 68

Fullbody now,but I actually liked the cropped versions more now. :P
Again, just Money Wars things.

18 95

I'll post this here too. Friend's joke on Tero's wintercoat being a mustache. Makes him look older. XD
He likes Team Galactic.

15 65