yas (desativada)さんのプロフィール画像

yas (desativada)さんのイラストまとめ

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フォロー数:525 フォロワー数:5182

Oie! Me chamo Yasmin, desenho em estilo anime, chibis, animais e alguns cenários. Minha encomendas estão abertas em caráter de urgência, só conferir o tweet do fixado para saber mais 😔❤️

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Commission que eu fiz mês passado, não me lembro se postei... Então ta ai 🥺❤️

14 81

Thanks for sharing!
I'm Yasmin, I'm a Brazilian illustrator and I make art in anime style, chibi, animals and backgrounds. My commissions are open ✨

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nezuko-chan a mimir 🤏❤️

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stickers birds 🥺❤️

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No commissions this month. Taeny, my dog, was hospitalized again, and I'm overdue with her bills. I also need money for the con I'll be attending on July, specially since the supplier will close commissions for this convention this week. And now my glasses broke.

Pls hire me 🥲

20 33

Second week of the month and I haven't closed any commissions. Taeny was hospitalized again, overdue bills. The supplier schedule closes this week. I need to place orders for the event and pay the table rent. My glasses broke.

Anyone who can tell me jobs, I'll be grateful 🥲

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Segunda semana do mês e não fechei nenhuma encomenda. Taeny foi internada novamente, contas atrasadas. A agenda dos fornecedores fecha essa semana, preciso fazer pedidos para o evento e pagar o aluguel da mesa. Meu óculos quebrou.

Quem puder me indicar trabalhos, serei grata 🥲

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