friendly neighborhood jarburg potentateさんのプロフィール画像

friendly neighborhood jarburg potentateさんのイラストまとめ


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here’s another preview page from my book 😈😈

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poster i designed for the vera project, presenting CEREMONY / spy / supercrush / and nasti 🥀🦋

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after like 4 month straight of just working on commissions (but also before gettin down just working on zines) i wanna make a lil rug for myself so i’ve been planning it out… gonna be based on the old sandy lion fuzzy bear stickers :3c

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oooo the sandylion fuzzy stickers… good_to_feel_by_candy.mp3

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hi i just woke up i fucking love this guy

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it’s friday baby i’m posting the kk slider redraws i did last year for warthog and power trip (rest in power)

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i have to wear a halloween costume for an important public meeting at work, i'm gonna be a sunflower. should i make a stupid little pot out of paper or should i just wear some green clothes

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