

Shieru I multifandom I any prns I 🇱🇹/🇬🇧 I 25↑ I @katorga_art♡ I yaboybokuto @ tumblr | xShieru @ AO3 | INPRNT: shieru | DON'T REPOST

フォロー数:819 フォロワー数:31166

it will be fiiiine

0 5



the comfort of green 💚

107 782

good morning to this edit only

94 438

lass die Wut raus, du siehst dabei gut aus🥀

318 1466 you comin'?

quick scribs

192 1029

like having a cat that wakes you up multiple times throughout the night to…… nuzzle. the trips are few and far in between and time is money!!!

i pity the neighbors

142 910

quick random twink studies ft my bestest goodest boy

30 247