

I only stan @GirlsGeneration & @G_I_DLE ~
#TaeNy is @#$%^&@#$
#Shuhua is my cutie pie

フォロー数:124 フォロワー数:8127

Because they care about each other so much :)

306 197

Welcome to the brain hacking game.

291 141

She's so pretty T_T
Heal me ~ Kill me ~

33 34

Drop your favorite OTP gif
(not because this is my gif
though this is my gif hehe)

170 108

Q: "What's you dream date?"
Fany chose: "Romantic date at Disneyland, on a rainy day, wearing the raincoat"

540 280

When bae wanna lie down next to you~

369 163

Whenever your bae said "Let me help you, babe ^_^"

187 147

*Taengstagram updates*
Everybody: Thank you, Tiffany!

305 173