

immochiball ➡️yellowcatmug

フォロー数:178 フォロワー数:643

THERE WAS SOMETHING BIG IN THE WATER! No I wasn’t about to wait and see what it was. Not a fan of being eaten by mysterious water monsters.

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The deity is probably the reason the magikarp are so strong here. It’s blessing the waters or something…

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This little shrine has been here long before Karp Mama bought the property and turned it into her shop. But does anyone actually know what deity this shrine is for?

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Ever wonder where Karp Mama’s first Karp is? We haven’t ever seen him around the store…

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Aww look! That kid found the hidden toy in the gift shop. And he won some Sakuma drop candy :D lucky day for this kid lol

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Aside from Magikarp, Karp Mama also stocks little gift shop and stationery items! Oooo washi tape~~

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