

A big Soob enthu, sedang sibuk menempuh pendidikan.

フォロー数:549 フォロワー数:232

My daughter is very chomnky nom nom chomp chomp

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[ December 25th, 2019 ]
Fanart of 707 and MC in Christmas edition! 💖
Merry christmas and have a nice day! 🎄✨

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Le ayok rayain pp Saeyoung yang udah update

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생일축하해 우리 친구야, Michelle!! 사랑한다! ❤️

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Juki galau.
Jam segini bukannya tidur malah menebar garam pada luka.

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Happy birthday to our the most handsome man than the handsome, the manliest man than the manliest, ZEN!! 🎉 Plese don't forget to look at the mirror to remind you how awesome you're ;) I Love U ❤️

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My cousins birthday fanart~

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