

I/H CM by @chirido_san /matching with @heixiuu /Anime/Danmei/multi-fandom/spamming fan acc/Fujoshi (she/her:straight)/Retweet a lot & sometimes🔞/Age adult

フォロー数:1174 フォロワー数:70

Happy Shiro Day!!! 🥳🍰❤

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Thanks for hosting this GA💕 Looking forward to your future p4p merchie💕

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Love you too 😘💖💖❤❤💕💕

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Everything arrived safely!!! 😍(💖.💖)/ Brilliant idea on the diamond shape...I love how you can connect all of them to forms a bigger diamond, yet they are all their own little 💎 (story) (≧◡≦) ♡ Love your card design too!!!!!(⌒▽⌒)♡❤

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