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To all my friends' parents who forced their kids to become doctors: thank you 🙏🏽 now I just gotta figure out what to do with that list of engineer friends
When I realize people are staring at me in public I make sure to give'em something worth staring at
I used to poke fun at my mom for saying "crap" instead of "crab" (ordering at Red Lobster was a giggle-fest). Not 'til I was older did I realize I was a jerk. What sucks more is that society made her so afraid we wouldnt fit in that she stopped talking to us in Arabic altogether.
@hanahwithonen @aaolomi He's the first person I thought of. Hoping he sees this and answers
Goldie oldie mehehehe. Sometimes I draw just to make myself giggle. I hope you giggle, too. Down here, we all giggle.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but insults like these will just crack me up.
It goes without saying that I love my mother. I would not be the person I am today without her guidance, love, & support. She's my best friend today, tomorrow, & forever bi ithnillah (by God's will). *ya3nee: Arabic slang best described as a valley girl's use of the word "like"