

YOUR MOTHER (banner by @wiz08_)

Also I direct @FNF_DoubleCross And @FNFIDDLING
Codirector of @RINGSZone
owner of lord x-s

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:429

wheres the kaboom? there was supposed to be a kaboom!

2 12

ik they aren't finished but shhhh

3 12

i guess glow up the sketch one is the new one

2 23

working on some thing

3 14

i miss fnf wrath

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well that is the last thing i gonna show for le funny game its a concept animation for the agent movement animated by

1 8

i never finished this should i finish it?

0 13

also auditor controlled agent will i make a madness accelerant game who knows *Troll*

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