

It's me Spiral :3c Posting art and following artists and being dumb and horñy here. I may post/RT irl content. 35. 18+ only.

フォロー数:682 フォロワー数:2917

The second piece I ever got from . This is where my character, Muerto started showing up. I uh had a thing for spooky lookin wolfmen (and still do).

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This was probably the first piece that immediately made me addicted to getting commissions. Its still so good. It also made me realize that furries need nipples full stop.

Art by , who's art is timeless imo.

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Second piece I got. It was during the first chapter of his comic, Little Buddy. I had a huge crush on John the cougar and I still do tbh.

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This was the first 2 character piece I ever got. I think did it as a gift. It originally had her character sounding in it but I got rid of it because I was scared of my kinks back then. This is still Good Content tho.

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This is the second piece I ever commissioned. I still love this. The bulge is great and the lil' tum.

Art is by Sneakerfox @ FA (who is still around but I dunno she would want me to link to her haha)

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