


フォロー数:1479 フォロワー数:939
# ffxiv

pogchamp is gone... only lul remains

4 18

thancregg of the scions

1 8

bunbun that i drew for a friend

1 6

some of the cool scenes from the recent gbf event! THERE ARE SPOILERS

17 48

my new child

51 117

This is Good Luck Summer Lyria. She will help you get summer units

379 744

Y'all asked for this.

12 47

Takes Sandy's hot coffee at the beach, today we die like men

28 56

from a conversation involving sandalphon, voidwing luci, ramiel, lucio, and freyr

59 131

if you don't then you don't
love me at deserve me at
my my

232 458