

Animation graduate wandering online... Currently working as an animator.
Taking commissions in my free time on: vgen.co/YiPrincess

フォロー数:430 フォロワー数:860

Haha why am I still animating this- :'D

15 132

ACUTE MANGA!!! Look at these losers (before the stab)

0 2

Miku Luka "friendship" lmao

2 10

Opening up commission! :)
Family's about to move out and we're in need for money for new furniture and the whole move in general. Please dm me if interested! :)

I'll even draw a simple sketch for you if you leave message with a ko-fi! :) https://t.co/Ck8W1aJJZT

27 58

hey look I drew a more accurate sized tuba

6 29

I call this Original Brand vs Imitation :'D

84 494

More Rena Rouge sweet sweet music skills?? 8'D

11 49