

I’m a mix-breed dog who loves yoga! Come join me and let's have some fun!😆
💌[email protected]

フォロー数:226 フォロワー数:71

Yoga-Wan and the Warrior Pose II / ヨガわんと戦士のポーズII
"Steady as a warrior......"

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Yoga-Wan and the Plank Pose・ヨガわんと板のポーズ
"NGGGGGGGGG a few more seconds...!"

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Yoga-Wan Downward Facing Dog Split Pose/ヨガわんと片足の下向きの犬のポーズ
"Is my leg up? I can't tell..."

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Yoga-wan Standing Forward Bend Pose/ヨガわん 深い前屈のポーズ
"Wow..I didn't know I was this flexible :)."

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Yoga-Wan Legs up the Wall Pose/ヨガわん 両脚を壁に上げるポーズ
"This is relaxing..."

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Yoga-Wan Hero Pose/ヨガわん 稲妻のポーズ
"Aaaaaand feet hurt..."

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Yoga-Wan Gate Pose/ヨガわん 門のポーズ
"Don't fall back, don't fall back...!"

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Yoga-Wan Extended Puppy Pose/ヨガわん 子犬の伸びポーズ
"I'm a puppy so I can do this!"

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Yoga-Wan Corpse Pose/ヨガわん 死体のポーズ
"It's called the corpse pose but I'm alive"

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