

"They keep calling me”#joydivision #postpunk #coldwave #art #literature #poetry

フォロー数:825 フォロワー数:1613

ISOLATIONS: Our interview with Mr. Brian Gorman about his new project Atmosphere, Joy Division music and Ian Curtis museum in Manchester

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ISOLATIONS: Our interview with Mr. Brian Gorman about his new project Atmosphere, Joy Division music and Ian Curtis museum in Manchester/ Nasz wywiad z Brianem Gormanem o jego nowym projekcie Atmosphere, muzyce Joy Division i muzeum Iana Curtisa

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ISOLATIONS: Our interview with Mr. Brian Gorman about his new project Atmosphere, Joy Division music and Ian Curtis museum in Manchester

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ISOLATIONS: Our interview with Mr. Brian Gorman about his new project Atmosphere, Joy Division music and Ian Curtis museum in Manchester/ Nasz wywiad z Brianem Gormanem o jego nowym projekcie Atmosphere, muzyce Joy Division i muzeum Iana Curtisa

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ISOLATIONS: Our interview with Mr. Brian Gorman about his new project Atmosphere, Joy Division music and Ian Curtis museum in Manchester/ Nasz wywiad z Brianem Gormanem o jego nowym projekcie Atmosphere, muzyce Joy Division i muzeum Iana Curtisa

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ISOLATIONS: Our interview with Mr. Brian Gorman about his new project Atmosphere, Joy Division music and Ian Curtis museum in Manchester/ Nasz wywiad z Brianem Gormanem o jego nowym projekcie Atmosphere, muzyce Joy Division i muzeum Iana Curtisa

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ISOLATIONS: Our interview with Mr. Brian Gorman about his new project Atmosphere, Joy Division music and Ian Curtis museum in Manchester/ Nasz wywiad z Brianem Gormanem o jego projekcie Atmosphere, muzyce Joy Division i muzeum Iana Curtisa w Manchesterze

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Thank you Jeff - mr Gorman is a nice gay! He sent us answers to all our questions and nice photographs! We love Joy Division and our blog is nonprofit. Thank you for supporting us, regards

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ISOLATIONS: Gironie Remedios Varo: Psychowizje mieszanki surrealizmu, renesansu i tradycji flamandzko-holenderskiej

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Gironie Remedios Varo: Psychowizje mieszanki surrealizmu, renesansu i tradycji flamandzko-holenderskiej

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