

3,333 Unique Animated Yokees, An Art & Community Focused Project by @Sahred_toy - Powered by @0xStudio - Discord (Token Gated): discord.gg/YokeeNFT

フォロー数:20 フォロワー数:26269


131 505

Lastly.. we have the Elemental Yokee ⚛️, when a Yokee finds the meaning of life and enters Pure Land they will transform into an Elemental Yokee. 💨🪵🔥⚡️❄️💧

Elemental Yokees' are one with Nature and the highest form a Yokee can achieve. 🙏🏼✨

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118 555

Next up is the Bone Yokee ☠️ they are one of the final races.. not many of them exist, one of the last stages before reaching the gate of Pure Land. 🌄

Bone Yokees do not eat, drink or feel pain/fatigue they keep marching.. always. 🙏🏼✨

140 427

We have been receiving a lot of Requests/DMs for this and since the gates to Discord will be opening soon 👀..

We have a couple of Mod positions to fill - If you feel you are qualified, kindly apply using the following link. 👇


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Our next partner project, is admired by and have made a name for themselves in the space for spreading the ☮️ and positive vibes! ✨

We are honored to welcome them on our journey!

Welcome to the ~ ✨🙏🏼 ☮️

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109 431

For this reveal, we have The Scientist Yokee! 👨🏽‍🔬 they are even more intelligent than the Droid Yokee! 🧠

AND they are seeking Pure Land 🤔 , Why would that be? 👀

109 412

For this next partner project. they have shown us what a genuine community feels like! ✨

We are honored to welcome them on our journey!

Welcome to the ~ 🙏🏼✨🦎

135 495