

20| Artist and Animator, He/she/they
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フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:138

Testing out a sort of grain filter to try and make my art look like old anime while still being modern in a sense, how it look should I do this or should I stick to just the regular way I do the doodles

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Here is my guy, just a tired man with a tired plan

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Before anyone says anything, I haven't seen the anime yet so please don't spoil it for me, I wanna see it sooooo bad and when I was looking up references for this doodle I some some of the cover pages for the manga and they look incredible, Anyways I hope you enjoy

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Hi I'm Ira and I am a tired man with a tired plan

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My curiosity is killing me

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Hi I'm YourBruIra, or just Ira and I'm just a tired man with a tired plan. These are the doodles I'm most proud of

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This is the stuff I'm super proud of, I like the facial expression I gave ssj4 Gogeta and the other is my first attempt at a background that isn't just a colorful shape

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