marcel the void™ 🏳️‍⚧️さんのプロフィール画像

marcel the void™ 🏳️‍⚧️さんのイラストまとめ

marcel ☆ they/he (on/ono) ☆ 25+ ☆☆☆ STEM student by day, artist in the remaining free time _(:3」∠)_ ☆☆☆ i'm not ur dad but VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED 🔞

フォロー数:677 フォロワー数:1671

fajny pomysł Maniu :D
no to ja zarzucę takimi rysunkami, o

35 57

did them gang im color because b&w sketches with gradient slapped on can only get you this far 😔✌

9 22

turns out jon and elias can't be drinking a) this much and b) together

14 31

i'm Void, a nonbinary artist who enjoys drawing people - especially their facial expressions and, oddly enough, hands ✨
✏️ art-only twitter:
✏️ other useful links:
✏️ various threads (+moments with art):

9 14

Co powiecie na coś typu Sam z chęcią bym poznał więcej rodzimych art-mordek, bo nie każdego stać na konwentowanie żeby się pokazać, a prowadzenie social mediów to też nie taka prosta rzecz.

Żeby zacząć - jestem Void i lubię ogólnie ludzi rysować, zwłaszcza dłonie ✨

21 59

at least i'd like to Think my content qualifies as a bottom-shelf kind of cool

4 10

some OCs-kind-of-refs so there is some. baseline for characters other than the two dumbs i draw most often :')

8 15

heya, i'm void! i'm still learning and trying to figure out what is *my thing*, but so far so good ✌️

3 8

i've heard it's so 👀 i'm void, a nonbinary aroace who just tries to figure stuff out as they go!
(also, i like drawing hands)

3 11