

中国克拉💎/儿童画选手/woozi’ s fanart/常驻weibo/谢谢喜欢我的画💕

フォロー数:89 フォロワー数:2944

:nuna, trick or treat!
😍:come here, nuna give u as many as u want!

151 172

line :Emmmm……Mom seems to make a mistake.We are not carrot stick.

529 523

:change up change up change up~

167 228

:“Mom…a boy has heart in his eyes today when he looks at me...”

320 390

“It's more comfortable above the water than under the water.”

82 120

His hiong is waiting for his girlfriend.Small is waiting for his mom to buy snacks together.hhhhhhhh

52 91

:Look at your hyung, covers his face so tightly every time.
little :Nonono!!…Hyung covered his face, but...like this!!

151 124

“Only 17 yuan such a lovely boy?”

:they can't see https://t.co/SboS7QIDkf come to pick me up soon~

84 89