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Happy 2 months y'all. Appreciate the love and support. Come hang out :D https://t.co/POlkk28Hxj

1 5

x pachimari for the viper mains 😏

2 7

Sage x pachimari for I kneed healing 😇 Check her out live now @ https://t.co/qT5FlOLchW

1 14

Another day of learning valorant. Enjoy this x piece I did for . Jett mains enjoy 😊 https://t.co/POlkk28Hxj

2 10

Going live in a few minutes. First affiliate stream! Emote isn't live yet but there will be sub/bit badges . Thx y'll for the support ☺️ https://t.co/hqzycktYq7

2 5

made these cheermotes for a couple months ago

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