YUK FUNさんのプロフィール画像

YUK FUNさんのイラストまとめ

Lucy Cheung (she/her) & Patrick Gildersleeves (he/him). We just really like making stuff (illustration/clothing/prints).

フォロー数:6528 フォロワー数:28755

You should probably be following Maria Ramos on instagram

4 78

Cute vintage illustration of the day: spread from What Am I? I'm a Churkendoose! by Dellwyn Cunningham, 1946. Via Eric Sturdevant on flickr: https://t.co/nDymSkhB0Z

6 56

Very much liking Nadine Redlich's funny illustrations

4 51

Robert Loebel has a nice new website

4 60

You should probably be following Justin Cassano on Instagram

12 66

Some of our favourite illustrations by Cristian Robles

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Our favourite linocuts by Print Wagon (aka Aidan Saunders)

4 36

Cute vintage illustration of the day: advert for Baker's instant chocolate milk by Mary Blair, c. 1960.

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Regionale Bulgaria cultural guidebook designed and illustrated by PUNKT studio. More pics on Behance here: https://t.co/q0TAZkpIoK

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Our favourite illustrations by Katie Gorbacheva. https://t.co/jiKHW1M2Eg

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