

Jun | 25+ | They/Them🌈 | Art and Fanfic🎨 | Mostly Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate 3 atm| Rarepair Liker💗 | Sometimes NSFW🔞|

フォロー数:304 フォロワー数:127

Hi hi!💗 I'm Jun, an aro/ace fanartist and (sometimes) fanfic writer!💖🌈I mostly draw and write for the Tales of series (especially Symphonia and Vesperia) but on rare occasions I draw other things too ^^

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Some absolutely ancient Souyo art that never posted. I just added the lighting and stuff rn but everything else is from last year😅

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Thank you for tagging meee!! 🥰
(Also obsessed with that Yuraven art you did still)

Anyway, I'm too shy to tag anyone so artsy mutuals please do this and keep it going (or anyone can tag some Tales or T&B artists that you like on my behalf!) https://t.co/Lvjid15m40

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I doodled this the other day in response to a conversation in a server but I thought it would be more fun to just post without context so here ya go

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Zelloyd RP doodle that I went overboard on, whoops😆

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The first image was from last year and I traced over very poorly proportioned and stiff 3d models and it still took me like 2 frustrating days of drawing all day long (8+ hours each day)😅 The last three are recent and all took under 6 hours of work each. https://t.co/ISAXsDJGPU

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The ancient doodle in question. From almost a year ago I think🤔

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