yuya kato 加藤雄也さんのプロフィール画像

yuya kato 加藤雄也さんのイラストまとめ

生きてりゃいい。I'm great fan of Beksinsky, Caravaggio, Gaudi, Micherangelo, Rembrandit, Zaha hadid and 冨樫義博. I don't follow back. I love shape and color.

フォロー数:12 フォロワー数:70

clip studio52

hair practice

男キャラの髪の毛の描き方にはコツがあった!【超入門講座#11】#ディープブリザード https://t.co/H1UmCsX84H より

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Level E

Prince Dogra

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失敗しない肌の色選び!【超入門講座#05】 https://t.co/KYht1xVpdO より

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I practice face for a while.

簡単表現力アップ!【#04】(最果ての魔王 ディープブリザード) https://t.co/wetKLVBzyt より

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Part4 is difficult. I'm here now.

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Small tips

When you use kit bash, you often wanna change shape like simple bending. You can use lattice modifier or simple deform modifier.

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Engine parts of Ninja H2r. Last time I made this, I thought it's impossible for me to make but now not any more. It's just difficult object. Not done yet but I'm just glad😄.

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Buddha statue

It just doesn't end today. I'll done tomorrow. I don't want to haste. It's my first try. Just keep my pace.

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