

Just an account for rambling. sometimes there might be art? 三次元的碎碎念。EN / CN OK. 目前含🐟量多。

フォロー数:41 フォロワー数:35

漾!Forever 乐享会 promo art done for fanmeet goods (Oct has been very very tiring...)

13 15

I still need to catch up with blingbling. Xiaoyu is going surfing this week!

22 24

23.05.21 浅浅画一下
It's been one year

19 41

🐟 playing with water 😆

14 35

for gengyin's birthday 😆 Drew this and the banner as a request for echo fansite on weibo

27 38

If anyone wants to make graphics using this birthday fish, please feel free

10 23


7 12