Zack Kaplanさんのプロフィール画像

Zack Kaplanさんのイラストまとめ

Comic Creator. DARK EMPTY VOID. THE MIDNIGHT SHADOWS. KILL ALL IMMORTALS. BEYOND REAL. MINDSET. BREAK OUT. Many more. Writing about tomorrow, living in today.

フォロー数:3602 フォロワー数:4030

I dunno, feels a little too timely to have a dark techno-thriller about the dangers of mind controlling social media and how technology corrupts good intentions. Phew, good thing MINDSET doesn't do any of that.

Right + + ?

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Breaking out of a spaceship. Yeah, no problem, right?

If you want to see how our fearless crew pulls this caper off, Issue for BREAK OUT is on its way! But you gotta pre-order to get your issue. So call your shop and get on board! FOC is today!

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And here's the first panel of BREAK OUT More at AIPT today, link above!

"Here's the thing about breaking into a mile-wide inter dimensional floating prison."
"Getting caught is the easy part."

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Do you want to know a secret? and I may have used a little mind control on and zap - so he's doing all of Mindset's B covers for the entire series. Get ready for more amazing variants like this one!

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Hey BREAK OUT is out, but Issue FOC is Monday. Crew's ready! , + I are storming the Cubes, we've got + on covers! + on edits! Are you joining the Break Out mission?

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And I know that I speak for + and the whole Metal Society team when I say we are going to bring it on this one. We're fighting all the way. I can't wait for you all to meet Rosa and join in on this epic battle.

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WOW! I just got our METAL SOCIETY order numbers from / and it's the biggest comic of my career by a mile. I'm humbled. Blown away. Thank you everyone who ordered, shared and pushed this one. I'm fighting with all my heart to make great sci-fi comics for you.

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Hey, to everyone ordering Metal Society today on its last day, FOC, to everyone reviewing or talking up or picking up Break Out this Wednesday, everyone supporting my comics this year, thank you! I'm pouring my heart out on all of these and I appreciate ever read and share.

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And don't forget to tell you shop they should order big to make sure there are enough of this champion / incentive variant cover available. This is an epic collab in its own right.

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Finally, this thrilling main cover captures the duality and division of this human vs robot conflict, by our great series artists and !

And remember, there are no second printings. There are no second chances. Make sure you get your issue!

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