

#c64 #commodore64 #commodore

フォロー数:564 フォロワー数:949

Where is that ninja? Where is that ninja friend of mine? He's right there. Often with his top off, catching some rays...But not on his face. Zapped to the Past went ninja-ing in the midday sun.

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Rounding out this week's delights in Zapped to the Past ep37 were Room 10, The Legend of Sinbad & Strike Force Harrier. Zero G Pong. Nope.

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In ep35, an episode so stuffed not even Man Vs Food could handle it, Zapped to the Past also looked at Equinox, 2-on-2 Basketball, Hoodoo Voodoo & Spiky Harold. Bring on the chuck bucket!

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In ep35, Zapped to the Past got our robes on and our golem out in Druid, one of the best Gauntlet style games on the Highly recommended.

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In another packed week, ZttP gorged on the sticky delights of Wing Commander, Mission Elevator, Freaky Factory, Droids, Formula One Simulator & Video Poker. We felt quite ill.

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In Ep29 of ZttP we also looked at Southern Belle, Mermaid Madness, Booty, Scrolls of Abadon & Raging Beast. Not even Good King Wenceslas looked out on a feast like this!

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Fancy getting stuck in a huge sprite, treacle speed, death loop? Yes? Then join Zapped to the Past in wishing they'd applied more olive oil to this version of Popeye.

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Leaderboard rewrites the virtual golf rule book! The Carvers drive down the fairway and get a sweet hole in one at the first attempt. Ep29 of Zapped to the Past is out now!

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It's time for more kicking, punching and crazy jumping as Yie-Ar Kung-Fu gets Zapped to the Past in full on Wire-Fu mode in this arcade hit! Ep24 (the full version) is out now!

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Is it Back to the Future or It Follows? You be the judge! Someone needs to get in the DeLorean and give Martin Walker a bit more time on this one, or so Zapped to the Past thought in ep23.

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