

M - 20 - black artist ( ⚠ suggestive ⚠ ) - fuckin goofball
@zazzro_dot_jpg (art only account) - (tumblr acct)
(i rt what i want.)

フォロー数:539 フォロワー数:716

happy easter im too lazy to draw a whole bunny outfit or whatever here's jeanette in an egg shirt

1 13

these arent limited to childhood either but here are a few games that "define me" or "mean a lot to me" or whatever lol

[im not gonna @ anyone]

0 4

this was the best thing i drew in / 's drawpile

0 16

drew my ocs as polygons whats up

16 62

got a masked marci for 's contest, thought it came out p good

10 40

happy halloween you bastards heres art now i sleep again bye

16 31

hey remember that one poll i did for the new* ocs

yeah this bastard won lol

*idk if i should really say "new" tbh

3 5